河合浩×宮入圭太 型染布「dessin est sain」

画家 河合浩さんの図案をもとに、染色家 宮入圭太さんが制作した型染めの布作品「dessin est sain “絵ハ健康的”」。この作品を制作するきっかけとなったのは、ちょうど2年前の2020年秋、河合さんと出会った際にいただいたオリジナルの手ぬぐいを見たときでした。「型染めで河合さんの絵を見てみたい」。そこから、型染めを引き受けてくれる作家の方を探し始めました。

宮入圭太さんは、元フィギュア原型師という異色の経歴をもつ染色家。著名なグラフィティアーティスト バリー・マッギー氏の個展で、お友達コーナーに作品が飾られていたり、一方で民藝関係のお仕事も手がけられていたり、決められた枠に収まらないスタイルをSNSで知り、「この人だ!」と鼻息荒く連絡しました。折しもコロナ禍で、打ち合わせはzoomが中心でしたが、宮入さんから型染めについて教えてもらい、河合さん本人が気に入った図案を元に、宮入さんによる制作が行われました。


河合 浩 / KAWAI Yutaka

宮入 圭太 / MIYAIRI Keita
染色家。東京都出身。10代から20代まではグラフィティアートに傾倒し、ソフトビニール製玩具原型師をへて、型染めの世界に入る。2021年に九段下のインテリアショップ「Pacifica Collectives」で初個展を開き、作品は世界最前線のアートシーンへ。

“dessin est sain (painting is healthy)” is a stencil-dyed fabric work which designed by the artist Yutaka Kawai and dyed by the dyeing artist Keita Miyairi. when I met Kawai two years ago, he gave me a tenugui (Japanese towel) dyed with his pattern. It made me want to see bigger and more colorful fabric as his work. From there, I started looking for a dyeing artist.

Keita Miyairi is a dyeing artist with a unique background as a former figure prototype maker. His work was displayed in the “friends corner” at the solo exhibition of famous graffiti artist Barry McGee, and also he works in the field of Mingei (folk art). He willingly accepted a collaboration with Kawai. Although our meetings were mainly via Zoom, Miyairi taught us about katazome (stencil dyeing). Kawai designed several pattern, and choose one of them he liked. Then, Miyairi dyed the pattern on an Indian cloth.

Kawai and Miyairi have something in common. Neither of them has received any specialized training in painting or dyeing, nor have they trained under a particular master. Their works are overflowing with originality because they are self-taught and straightforward with their own expression. It is precisely because they are two such people that their presence is concentrated in this katazome.

KAWAI Yutaka
Painting artist. Born in Tokyo and currently resides in Mashiko, Tochigi Prefecture. He has been seriously involved in painting since the 2010s, and is currently involved in CD jackets, apparel, and magazine artwork, as well as daily drawing and exhibiting throughout Japan. In an old house where he combines production and living space, he continues to create a vast amount of drawings and paintings on a daily basis.

Dyeing artist. Born in Tokyo. He was a graffiti artist from his teens to his 20s, and after working as a soft vinyl toy prototype maker, he entered the world of stencil dyeing. 2021 saw his first solo exhibition at Pacifica Collectives, an interior design store in Kudanshita, bringing his work to the forefront of the international art scene.

サイズ:約W580 x H1030 mm
上下木製軸棒 付属

size:aprx.W580 x H1030 mm
fabric:Indian cotton
designed by Yutaka Kawai
stencil dyeing by Keita Miyairi
upper & lower wooden shaft rod included


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2022-10-01 | Posted in GOODSComments Closed